aka The Vinyl Villain incorporating Sexy Loser

#011 – Buzzcocks – ‚Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)’ (United Artists Records, ’78)


Hello friends,

congratulations, you have nearly made it all the way through with bands starting with a ‘B’ … unless there is a great combo whose first letters are ‘Bw…’, ‘Bx…’ or ‘Bz…’. Or unless I come to the conclusion that The Byrds are better than sliced bread …. you wait and see until the next episode comes in!

Strange though, but I find it rather hard to find something interesting to write about a band which is as well known as The Buzzcocks are. I mean, basically everything has already been said about them, hasn’t it? At least there isn’t pretty much that I could add, I found.

So let’s concentrate on the song, shall we? When googling around a bit, I learnt that Pete Shelley was bisexual, and he had written the tune in late 1977 about a guy called Francis, apparently someone he lived together with for 7 years.

Obviously, not being bisexual myself, I always had women from my past in mind when listening to the song. Quite a lot of them, in fact. When I was younger, you see, I used to fall in love rather easily, and consequently I was easily disappointed when things didn’t turn out the way I had imagined them to turn out. I won’t try to tell you that I always dreamt about marriage whilst having something that ended up in being just a one-night stand. Or a two night stand, if such a term exists. But either way, I usually had high hopes and wanted more. A relationship, to be precise. But there were women who – I think the correct collocation is – ‘just wanted my body’ apparently. Not that I ever had much of a body, mind you, which might or might not show you how desperate these girls might have been.

So back then I often listened to today’s tune and thought to myself, when being in despair again: ‘Oh, he’s sooooo right, our Pete, I should not have fallen in love with (insert typical German female forename here)”. But the funny thing is: today, after decades of distance, I would do it all again, I think: there are no real regrets by and large … perhaps it is just because back then the fun ruled out the sorrow and the feeling of being rather unrequited afterwards. Who knows …



mp3: Buzzcocks – Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)

So, in conclusion: no, I’ve never fallen in love with someone I shouldn’t’ve … at least not yet!

But did you?

Take good care,


JC adds…….

I’ve written about this song on a number of occasions over the years.   I slotted it in at #23 in the 45 45s @ 45 rundown back in 2008, and wondered out loud if there really were 22 singles better than it. Its most recent appearance was in October 2020.  Here’s some of my thoughts from then as an addendum to Dirk’s musings.

“One of Pete Shelley’s greatest attributes as a songwriter was the ability to write about situations that could be taken by every listener as being completely applicable to their own lives. There can’t be any of us out there who could give the answer of ‘No’ to the question. It particularly appealed to my teenage sensations, when the girl(s) of my dreams were way out of my league, preferring the company of those a couple years older or those who weren’t total bookworms. It didn’t help that my tastes in music weren’t universal…..

But as the years have passed and relationships have come and gone, it’s very clear the song can apply at any time in your life and needn’t be about unrequited adolescent relationships that lead to severe bouts of self-pity. “

So, while Dirk might say No…..I have to say my answer is Yes.

8 thoughts on “ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN SINGLES : #011

  1. Ah, Dirk. Your musings are always a big smile. We all love you for your body. As you say, it’s tough to produce something new and original to say about Buzzcocks on these pages. I will also repeat a familiar refrain. The B-sides always lived up to the A-sides. We often see comments here about not listening to something for years or even decades. I bet you don’t read that too often about Singles Going Steady. Gotta be in the conversation for best band comp ever.

  2. Brian, my man … so good to hear from you again, mate!! As for my body, time has passed, I’m ashamed to say: under no circumstances I would still fit into the fabulous Postcard-shirt, to my great dismay!! And as for the song, JC, perhaps I didn’t express myself all too well: only in HINDSIGHT I would answer ‘no’. BACK THEN it would have been a firm and definitive ‘YES !!!’ many many times ….

  3. I fell in love with someone I really shouldn’t’ve. It was a long time ago, but it took quite a while to get over. Then I met the future MrsRobster and everything changed… I don’t know why, but I always had you down as a bit of a ladies man Dirk. I don’t know you well enough to know why, but your wit, personality and music taste may well be three factors. And your devastatingly good looks, of course…

  4. What first stuns you is the tune (and guitars). Then you realise how clever and relevant the lyrics are. Then – when you learn about Shelley’s bisexuality – the subtlety of the lyrics hits home (unless we realise that we are the same).
    Is there anyone who wouldn’t choose this as one of the 11 singles?
    Great choice and great writing Dirk.

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