aka The Vinyl Villain incorporating Sexy Loser

#054: Madder Rose– ‘Madder Rose’ (Rockville Records ’92)


Hello friends,

first of all: THANKS VERY MUCH for all the nice comments you leave: they mean a lot to me, and they are the reason why this series continues by and large. Also our host would come over and kick my ass if I stopped it, I suppose, and I don’t want this to happen, of course!

Rather a short essay today, you’ll be relieved to hear – mainly because my right arm hurts like hell when typing (probably a herniated disc, the orthopaedist says, but we have to await the MRT results – or, if you’d rather: await a date next month when a MRT examination is at all possible within the next 150 or so kilometres …. “oh, it’s painkillers until then, sorry Sir”), but also there isn’t pretty much I can tell you about Madder Rose in the first place.

Now, owning their first single from 1992 could lead me to bragging about how much ahead of the game I had been again back then, because the band did not gain any attention before 1993, when they released their first album, which included ‘Swim’ … you will remember this hypnotic tune if you remember nothing else by Madder Rose. But I’m an honest chap, so the truth is: I also only discovered them in ’93, but not via their debut, instead through the appearance of today’s pick on ‘Unnecessary Niceness’, a somewhat boring compilation on Beechwood Music.

Fast-forward to 1994 and the second album, ‘Panic On’, which included the fantastic ‘Car Song’. By then Madder Rose were indie darlings, compared to Velvet Underground, Mazzy Star, My Bloody Valentine. They played Reading and could have become big big big … but they went dub and sort of tried jumping the trip-hop train, much to the dismay of their fans and the record company. I must admit I didn’t really follow them up after that, perhaps they changed again, which knows?

But either way, all I need these days is the first single, which – without any question – still is an object of beauty. Mainly because of Mary Lorson’s vocals, admittedly, but hey – I always was fond of voices like hers … Hope Sandoval could tell you a tale or two about me, promised!



mp3:  Madder Rose – Madder Rose



4 thoughts on “ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN SINGLES : #054

  1. I haven’t listened to this in such a long time. I don’t own the single, just the album. Odd how it’s possible to listen to an LP on heavy rotation and then not listen to it for an age. That will be rectified.


  2. Another example why this series is necessary and full of gems from a time long gone by.

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