I watched Pulp Fiction again the other night, for the first time in at least 20 years.  It still stands up as a great piece of entertainment and a hugely enjoyable, and indeed, classic movie.

Afterwards, I played this at high volume.

mp3: Tim Roth & Amanda Plummer – Pumpkin and Honey Bunney AND Dick Dale & The Del-Tones – Miserlou

I bet that makes you want to go and watch the film again!!



  1. How, odd! I can’t recall now how it came up in conversation, but we were talking about this yesterday and saying to Ellie she would like it. I even made the point of saying I hadn’t seen it in over 20 years so would be happy to again!

  2. Funny how certain things stay with you, isn’t it? As soon as I saw the title of your post, before I’d opened it to read in full I’d already recited the next line of very sweary dialogue.

    Absolutely love Pulp Fiction. And we’re not alone – I’ve tried several times to stage screenings of different films at my local indie cinema and the only time I was successful, i.e. the only time I managed to get enough ticket pledges, was for Pulp Fiction.

  3. I will never forget the first time I saw Dick Dale play. It was on his “Tribal Thunder” tour that I believe was just barely in the wake of the “Pulp Fiction” wave that had him hanging ten and re-invigorated the Surf Boom of the Mid-90s®. A welcome event from my perspective. I remembered his sound from childhood, but was unprepared for what he delivered. He was the most powerful music performance I’d ever seen. I was stunned. He said about two words the first half of the performance and it was all I could talk about for a month afterward. I’d never heard such a cataclysmic sound live before…or since. We drove across the state to see him with some other friends the next night playing in Tampa. Hell, yeah!

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