
The Big Moon
an imaginary compilation for the (new) vinyl villain

Compared to my last ICA, this one is going to be short, simple and much more to the point. The Big Moon are a four-piece from London who formed 10 years ago. They’ve toured with the likes of the Maccabees, the Vaccines and Pixies. They’ve also been Marika Hackman’s backing band and Record Store Day ambassadors.

More importantly, they’ve released three excellent albums and are increasingly becoming one of the most talked about bands in the UK. Seriously good musicians fronted by a brilliant songwriter (Juliette Jackson) – what more could you ask for? The Big Moon are one of my ‘happy’ bands, but in a different way to, say, The Bug Club, or Super Furry Animals. They just sound warm and comforting.


I’ve pulled together three songs from each album plus a fun extra track for those of you who are, unfortunately, still unfamiliar with the Big Moon. I compiled it last spring and rediscovered it when I did the Bug Club ICA, but I haven’t changed any of the songs I chose back then as I reckon it still does a pretty good job.


1. Your Light [2019, from ‘Walking Like You Do’]

I would argue this is The Big Moon’s best track. It was the first single off the band’s second album and displayed a more mature sound to their earlier work. It was the best pop song of 2019 to my ears.

2. Sucker [2017, from ‘Love in The 4th Dimension’]

This is the album version of the band’s first proper single and remains a highlight. Those indie/alternative influences shine through loud and proud on this one.

3. Trouble [2022, from ‘Here is Everything’]

Third album ‘Here is Everything’ was written amid Juliette Jackson’s pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. It wasn’t the gushing mush so many songwriters fall foul of after having children, it was a celebration of life, albeit one that is changed forever. It became their first UK Top 10 record. This track, the album’s second single, is another of my personal faves.

4. Waves [2020, from ‘Walking Like You Do’]

The ICA’s title track. Those backing vocals just make this song for me. A proper ‘wow!’ moment, almost brings tears to my eyes.

5. Praise You [2020, BBC Radio One Live Lounge session]

I’m going to let you judge this one for yourselves, but you ought to love it really…


1. Wide Eyes [2022, from ‘Here is Everything’]

The first track released from the band’s third album came accompanied with a wonderful, heart-warming video which shows how close these guys are as friends. Maybe I’m just getting soppy in my old age…

2. Cupid [2017, from ‘Love in The 4th Dimension’]

Another early single, it remains a crowd favourite. According to Juliette, it’s about “when you really, really want something or someone and you launch yourself into getting it, convincing yourself that you’re ready for it and you bravely throw yourself into a new situation, only to find that despite all that careful planning your nerves can still get the better of you.”

3. Barcelona [2020, from ‘Walking Like You Do’]

Something of a nostalgia trip coupled with anxiety at getting older. I don’t want to cast aspersions, but I’m guessing many readers can relate to that…

4. Ladye Bay [2022, from ‘Here is Everything’]

My favourite track from album #3. Wasn’t released as a single, but should have been. Most Big Moon songs have big choruses, but this one is massive!

5. Silent Movie Suzie [2016, from ‘Love in The 4th Dimension’]

Another early single (perhaps even their best from the first album?) with a hilarious – if rather naughty – video, made a good few years before people started thinking dolls were cool again. The Barbie movie was never like this…

No news on a fourth record yet, but it can’t be too far away. I await with great eagerness.

The Robster